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Kids Corner

Kids Corner 

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FUN with Poultry

Please take a moment and check out the 

APA ABA Youth page

Mrs. Doris has been working very hard and made lots of changes 

What is this Club all about?  Here is an extract from ther own website.

"The primary objective of our club is to encourage and help our young members to acquire the knowledge, skills and experience to participate fully and effectively in the poultry fancy as an adult. That they will be able to decide what types of fowl he/she wishes to raise, how to select quality birds, how to house, feed and provide general care and practice healthy bio-security for all poultry. If a youth exhibits his/her poultry either in production classes or fancy purebred classes that they understand showroom procedures.

The club promotes opportunities to practice showmanship, cooperation and fellowship and to be involved with their home community and with the poultry fancy in general. The club challenges the youth to study, engage in constructive activities, use his/her imagination and to develop individual talents and abilities by participating in the A.C.E. program.

By participating in the ACE PROGRAM a member is challenged to study, engage in construction activities, participate in competition in the showroom, develop individual talents and abilities. Completing all of the steps (levels) in the ACE
PROGRAM a student is then invited to study and become a licensed poultry judge with special benefits from the American Poultry Association and the American Bantam Association. Pre-made mandatory notebooks are available in our bookstore for members participating in ACE.

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